Kenyan rapper Prezzo brags about his tight friendship with boxer, Floyd Mayweather.

CMB Prezzo is under a lot of pressure in ensuring he remains relevant in the industry. The lad stopped singing and is now on a socialite TV series, Nairobi Diaries doing all those crazy stuff Pendo and her fellows do in on the show.
This guy will surely be the death of us. Well, Prezzo is now giving us something else to talk about. The self-proclaimed President clearly stated that he and boxing champion Floyd Mayweather are like brothers from different mothers.
During an interview, the rapper boldly stated that Mayweather was his close friend and the two talk almost daily. Just when you though humiliating Betty Kyallo on a live interview was the worse you have seen from him, then this will leave you probably on the floor as you go back to read whether what you have see is true.

This is what he said;”Mayweather and I are tight buddies. We usually talk. Actually I was even supposed to attend his last fight because he invited me, but I did not make it because my American Visa had not been renewed. However, you should not be surprised to see us hanging out together once I get to Los Angeles.“

Floyd Mayweather

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