Bongo Fleva Artist Shilole has Visit her Home place at Igunga Village during this Holly Months of Ramadan

Bongo Fleva Artist Shilole has Visit her Home place at Igunga Village during this Holly Months of Ramadan
as it turns out, Ramadan is not simply an exercise in fasting during the day, binge-eating during the night and setting the clock to the morning's wee hours for those inclined to rise for the predawn meal.

Neither is it about irate drivers who feel entitled to exhibit road rage, lacklustre employees who see the month as an excuse to slack off and overworked women slaving over a stove every day in preparation for the sunset meal. Ramadan is none of those things, if done right, and instead, is the chance for a spiritual boost, with lessons to be applied long after the month is out.

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